Twinings very kindly sent teaandcake a bundle of their teas. We’ve been taking them out and about to our events this summer to gather feedback and see what folks thought about each.
Blackberry & NettleThe packet said: “A fruit flavoured infusion inspired by Autumn. Blackberry’s distinctive sweet taste and aroma takes on a rich quality in this infusion. Its richness is perfectly balanced by the peppery taste of nettle to create a satisfying refreshing drink”.
Three testers tried this and were most impressed.
A most agreeable tea which I shall buy. Ross
Fruity and warming. Perfect for autumn. Maybe a bit weak. Sam
It’s good – better than most fruit teas. Lacks that edge that some fruit teas have – it’s very easy to drink. A good alternative to a caffeinated tea if you fancy something hot and fruity. Janine.
Blackcurrant, Ginseng & VanillaThe packet said: “A luscious infusion – with blackcurrant and subtle spice flavour. This rich combination of sweet blackcurrant, ginseng root and vanilla has a delicious taste. It has an exquisite rose blush colour… it’s particularly perfect for a touch of warmth as evenings get colder”.
One tester tried this and liked her choice.
Very smooth and refreshing. Relaxing on a summer afternoon. Would have been even better if slightly stronger. Claire
Blossom Earl GreyPossibly the most popular tea we had for testing – 10 people tried it, all of the liked it and all of them would consider picking up a box of it to take home.
The packet say: “A delicate tea, blended with bergamot and the floral taste of orange blossom. A black tea that brightens your day and warms you from the inside out”.
Our Tea Testers' Quotes:
Lovely Earl Grey, one of the nicest I’ve tried. Nice rounded warm taste with a hint of orange (but not too overpowering). Adam
Hint of orange was interesting but generally I’d prefer regular earl grey (especially since I prefer earl grey tea with milk, but we couldn’t see that sitting well with orange). Anna
I’m not usually a fan of every earl grey. I’m having this without milk and enjoying it. It’s quite floral but not overpowering. J9
A great tea. Richard.
Nice perfumed taste. Daz
Soooo good! Susi
Nice and light and refreshing. Kenny
Good flavour. Well balanced. Refreshing. Jane
Camomile & SpearmintOne tester tried this, and was very happy with it:
The packet says: “Camomile – known for its relaxing properties – is balanced with cooling spearmint for a clean yet refreshing taste. This bright, golden infusion is ideal for drinking throughout the day and into the evening”.
V. refreshing – delicious! Siobhan
Green Citrus TeaOne tester tried this and said that they would happily take another cup (if not a box).
The packet said: “A refreshing green tea with a hint of citrus. We’ve taken high quality green tea leaves and added the natural flavours of zesty lemon an lime, balanced by the juicy sweetness of orange.”
A very refreshing tea! Ross
Green Tea with Apple and PearOne tester tried this – they’d consider taking another cup, but not a whole box.
The packet said: “A refreshing balance of green tea and mellow, orchard flavours. The natural flavours of crisp, red apples and smooth, ripe pears create a delicious combination when blended with high quality green tea leaves.”
I liked the way the fruit brightened up the green tea, but the tea aftertaste was a bit too strong and wiped out the fruit. I would try it again.
Green Tea & CranberryOne tester tried this and gave it the thumbs up.
The box said: “We’ve blended top quality green tea leaves and natural cranberry flavour to create this tea’s golden colour and juicy taste”.
Pleasnt aroma, nice taste
Green Tea with Orange & Lotus FlowerOne reviewer tried this and liked it, but wouldn’t go out and buy a box.
The packet said: “A lightly aromatic green tea with a delicate scented flavour. This distinctly oriental blend combines the zesty flavour of lotus flowers, which have long been associated with purity in China.”
It’s surprisingly nice considering I don’t really like orange! Steve
Golden OolongThree people out every four liked this and might buy it again – the fourth would prefer something else, please.
The packet said: “A sunny and sweet Oolong tea with a fragrant taste of spring.
Our Tea Testers' Quotes:
Don’t leave the teabag in too long. Paul
Could be a bit stronger. Olga
Lovely rounded warm taste. Adam
Green tea for beginners! JM
Quite bitter and I didn’t like the scent. Brewed quite strong and quite quickly too! Sam
Tastes quite like a white tea but with quite a strong aftertaste. Rosemary
Light taste, refreshing. Easy to drink. J9
Nice scent. Indifferent flavour. Jane
PeppermintTwo testers tried this and both declared that they’d be happy to have a box in a cupboard at home.
The packet said: “A refreshing infusion with a clean, fresh taste. The cool aroma of mint is refreshing and peppermint leaves have traditionally been used to soothe the stomach and aid digestion. The peppermint leaves, with their naturally high essential oil content give this infusion its really refreshing taste”.
Very refreshing!
Nice smooth drink! Sandra
Peppermint & NettleFour people tried this – three would go out and buy a box, and one was unconvinced.
A lovely surprise! I’ve had these flavours separately but was surprised when I saw them in one, as I couldn’t imagine the combination. It proved to be a really nice mixture that I really enjoyed.
Matches the description perfectly. Nettle is peppery and peppermint is minty. Nice subtle tea.
I liked this blend – nettle alone can be bitter, and peppermint can be a bit sickly, but together they balanced out very nicely. Anna
Rose Garden12 people tried this, and most liked it and would consider buying some. There was a bit of a split, with some tea testers liking it with and some without milk.
The box said: “A light black tea with the sweet scent of rose. Make a cup, take a moment and prepare to be wooed”.
Our Tea Testers' Quotes:
Turkish delight in a cup! This is like marmite – you’ll either love or hate it. JM
Fruity rather than rosy. Better without milk. Lynn
Peculiar! Nicer with a drop of milk. Robert
Subtle flavour, light on the rose flavour, nice aftertaste. Nice light black tea for a non-tea drinker. Phil
Surprisingly well balanced without overpowering florals. Quite tasty! Improved by a dash of milk – much smoother! Kirstin
Where can I buy it? Not seen this variety anywhere. Excellent! Ursula
This is stupendous!! Make it more available! Tim TW
Definite taste of rose without being overpowering. Might be nice iced! Amanda
Spring WhiteThis tea split our eight tasters - some liked it and others were not in favour.
Those who liked it said they might pick up a box.
The box said: “An easy and light white tea made from spring picked buds, this is tea at its purest. Handpicked while the dew glistens to create a delicate, refreshing flavour bringing a little hint of crisp dewy mornings with every sip.”
Our Tea Testers' Quotes:
Little bit too “earthy” for my taste. Adam
Don’t leave the tea bag in too long! Paul
Aftertaste too bitter. Daz
Light, clean flavour.
Tasted like English breakfast but vastly inferior. Richard
Refreshing but tasty. V nice!
Nicer than green tea. Delicate taste.
Twinings Voyage Russian Tea / Russian Taiga – available overseas and brought to this tea party by a tea tester!
3 people tried this – two liked it a lot, and one was indifferent.
Soft, touch of citrus. Low tannin. I could drink this all day. JM
Palatable black tea, not overpowering with the lemon flavour which is good. A tea to be enjoyed slowly, and no perfumed aftertaste. Phil.
Very good – a strong crisp tea. Refreshing with a hint of lemon. I would love to see this range introduced into the UK.